回复 :A mysterious man, Dean, returns to his hometown of Grimsby after many years abroad in the Army. His arrival is met with animosity, particularly from his father, an avid pigeon racer. Dean is drawn back to confront his demons, and confess a secret to a childhood friend, Jess, only to discover she has been struggling since the untimely death of her husband. Whilst attempting to raise her child and battling a crumbling economy and dearth of opportunities, she is pulled into a harsh underworld. Dean must help her, throw her a lifeline, but the situation only darkens. When their lives are threatened he will do all it takes to make sure she is safe.
回复 :阿龙(林耀声 饰)和细威(胡子彤 饰)是一对在香港屋邨长大的难兄难弟,终日游手好闲,惹是生非。卢校长(廖启智 饰)力排众议组建香港第一支华人少年棒球队——沙燕队,招揽包括二人在内的十名“问题学生”入队。青春郁结的沙燕队众人,被一场又一场的大败羞辱后,在放弃与坚持之间徘徊,一念之间、挣扎之中,他们修炼勇气、突破自己,战胜郁结,打出自己的光辉岁月。终于,沙燕队迎来了与强敌日本水牛队的终极一战……
回复 :警察林海与搜查犬“二郎”相伴多年,感情深厚,然而枯燥的训练、工作及家人的不理解让林海对工作产生厌倦。与此同时,几起重大走私案悬而不破,走私团伙老大“三爷”逍遥法外。林海与二郎在追捕重要走私犯的过程中突发意外,神奇的发生了灵魂互换,无法求援的一人一狗继续行动,遇见了独自经营山间民宿的店主女孩沈木,貌美多情的女神Vivian、虚荣自大的游客王庞等人。“林海”与“二郎”该如何坚持他们的任务?又有多少波折,将在这间与外界隔绝的小民宿一一上演?