Set in the 1930s, an American with a scandalous reputation on both sides of the Atlantic must do an about-face in order to win back the woman of his dreams.
Set in the 1930s, an American with a scandalous reputation on both sides of the Atlantic must do an about-face in order to win back the woman of his dreams.
回复 :In mid-’80s Romania, a gifted mathematician is under investigation for plans to publish a new theorem by smuggling it overseas. He’s one in a network of academics struggling beneath the oppressive dictatorship in this gripping tale of science and secrecy.
回复 :失踪已久的父亲突然在圣诞节时返家,现身于豪华的祖宅之中,让关系不和的四姐妹上了一堂有关家庭合睦的速成课
回复 :谢雨婷(吕丽萍 饰)这天为了领取居委会模范夫妻的奖品,在家翻箱倒柜地寻找结婚证却没找到,被同事取笑说自己是非法同居。倔气上来的雨婷倒不罢休了,在家掀开战场,让老公顾明(冯巩 饰)和自己一起找,把老顾也折腾得够呛。女儿小文(李小萌 饰)是个懂事聪明的孩子,为了让父母休战, 和同学们凑钱去造了个假证,谁知掀起更大的风波,因为结婚证早已改头换面了。 害怕一回家就被老婆折腾的顾明是精神病院的医生,最近温柔体贴的助手小安对自己关心照顾,让顾明动了心。精神病院的病人逃了出来,跑到了顾明家,谢雨婷在中间好心办了坏事,两口子吵得更凶了。再也忍受不了的小文离家出走,顾明两夫妇才明白这段时间对小文的疏忽以及因为一张结婚证而引发的闹剧伤害了孩子。雨下得越来越大,小文到底去了哪儿呢?