回复 :Home from their honeymoon, the Kirbridges settle into their home in Greenwich. Their staff will consist of Rose as maid, on loan from Eaton Place, a crabby Mrs. Fellows as cook, and a Welshman named Thomas Watkins as manservant/everything else. Thomas has an unsettling gaze and seems a bit suspicious, but Rose fancies him anyway.The newlyweds don't seem very happy and their personalities are changing, getting their marriage off to a rocky start. Lawrence displays bouts of immaturity with a nasty, even cruel, demeanor. He prefers to socialize without Elizabeth, sometimes sneaking out after she's in bed, and comes home very late. His behavior is upsetting, giving Lizzie second thoughts about their marriage.
回复 :Extras是由BBC 2001年播出的大热喜剧The Office制片Ricky Gervais和编剧Stephen Merchant再度携手推出的一部力作,播出第一集后即好评如潮。Gervais在剧中扮演Andy Millman,一名为圆从影梦而从银行辞职,却始终 只能演些小配角的家伙。实际上,他甚至很少能得到一个有台词的角色,为此他整天呆在演员休息室,同其他临时演员一起,包括他的好友Maggie Jacobs,羡慕着那些主角们。Stephen Merchant在剧中扮演Andy的经纪人。每集的Extras都将会安排一段特别的剧情,由不同的客座明星来客串,第二季中有奥兰多布鲁姆(魔戒精灵弓箭手),大卫鲍伊,罗伯特德尼罗,丹尼尔雷德克利夫(哈里波特),伊恩麦柯莱恩(魔戒),克里斯马汀(酷玩合唱团主唱)
回复 :J(陈湛文 饰)是一个极度怕死的自由身杀手,从来都只接帮植物人拔喉之类的低风险差事。某次任务,J被企业老板招揽,为其原来风平浪静的杀手生涯,开展波谲云诡的一页。此剧讲述关于杀手的故事,为《ViuTV 2023》节目巡礼之一。