免费Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
免费Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
回复 :貝琪並不缺錢,但患有偷竊癖的她總是忍不住對他人的財物出手。她在地鐵上行竊時遇見美麗的鋼琴家米蘭達,並對她一見鍾情。在偷了一名英國警察的皮夾後,貝琪遭到追捕,與警察你追我跑的逃亡路上,卻與米蘭達越走越近。兩人日復一日的相處中,情愫逐漸萌芽,身為偷竊慣犯的她,這次被偷走的竟是自己的心...
回复 :广东人张三波(梁醒波 饰)和南方人李四宝(刘恩甲 饰)租住在同一间公寓里,两人又同样经营着洋服店,互为竞争对手关系的他们之间常常因为生意问题而产生矛盾,生活中也经常因为南北习惯的差异而爆发争吵。张三波有一个宝贝女儿丽珍(白露明 饰),哪知道自己辛辛苦苦栽培的女儿竟然便宜了名叫王文安(雷震 饰)的外省人。与此同时,李四宝的女儿翠华(丁皓 饰)也喜欢上了广东人麦永辉(张清 饰),张三波和李四宝这两个原本的死对头,竟然因为儿女的事情渐渐有了共同话题。之后,两人的洋服店因为资金运转不周而面临倒闭的窘境,这个节骨眼上,王文安和麦永辉出手相助,最终两家人化解了误会,喜结连理。
回复 :On their wedding night, Bob reveals to Betty that he has purchased an abandoned chicken farm. Betty struggles to adapt to their new rural lifestyle, especially when a glamorous neighbor seems to set her eyes on Bob