特黄特色When her husband has a mental breakdown and goes missing, a woman and her young son set out to find him on the streets, sparking a movement that inspires a city.
特黄特色When her husband has a mental breakdown and goes missing, a woman and her young son set out to find him on the streets, sparking a movement that inspires a city.
回复 :New couple Na-ni and Joon-seo left the stuffy Seoul to try and start a cafe in the countryside. Behind the couple's attempt to change, they had some unspeakable worries, so they were sexless people who used their own rooms because they were not sexually compatible. Regardless of her husband's xiaokan.cc efforts to establish a relationship, her wife Na-ni has long been on an extramarital affair with her sex partner Dal-ho, who has been embroiled in a hit-and-run accident that she never thought of enjoying sex outdoors and is asked for a large settlement. Na-ni, who has been relying on her husband's financial resources since before marriage, kneels down to his victim Chang-soo and pleads for mercy, but Chang-soo, a farmer, persistently digs into her weaknesses and demands humiliating physical relationships. While Na-ni is falling into a rut for the creation of a rural village, her husband, Joon-seo, who has been complaining about his nervous wife Na-ni these days, is also beginning to open his eyes to her unique sexual orientation due to the charm of young, provocative part-timer Cheong-ah. What is the identity of Chang-soo and Cheong-ah, the farmers who are squeezing these couples, and the fate of those who are entangled like webs?
回复 :單親爸爸荷利托與女兒葉莎相依為命雖然資源有限,父女倆仍以歡笑面對、快樂度日。然而平靜的生活,卻在荷利托意外捲入一名小女孩的死亡後變了調。遭指控為嫌犯並鋃鐺入獄的他,被迫與女兒分隔兩地,又因著智能障礙無法為自己辯護,只能默默承受牢獄之災。所幸荷利托的純真心靈使他和獄友建立革命情感,然而庭審就在眼前,他究竟能否洗刷冤屈,重回家庭呢?
回复 :数千年来,人类对月球充满着好奇与幻想。这个天上的邻居,至今还有许多未解之谜。上世纪五十年代末开始,美国与前苏联开展了太空竞赛,完成了人类对月球的最初探索。随后,美苏两国相继停止登月计划,中国展开探月之旅。对月球样本的科研显示,月球上的水以冰的形式存在。月球的内核是固态的铁,温度很高,部分融化。未来月球上可能会有火山喷发。月球的部分地表已被磁化。月球上的坑洞或者熔岩管道可能会为人类提供栖居场所。对月球的探索仍未停止,这个星球是人类通往宇宙的大门。