性视When a city is terrorized by a sadistic serial killer, a seasoned detective and a newly recruited paramedic discover the key to stopping the bloodshed lies in unlocking the truth of their own haunted pasts.
性视When a city is terrorized by a sadistic serial killer, a seasoned detective and a newly recruited paramedic discover the key to stopping the bloodshed lies in unlocking the truth of their own haunted pasts.
回复 :不是爱情,而是经济共同体。
回复 :富家子弟陈享(孟飞)自幼好武,苦无名师指点,长大成人无所事事,其母让其去广州找舅舅李有山(秦沛)学习经商。陈享在广州救下了马受惊的富商千金郑安妮(黎美娴),安妮对其留下深刻印象,在奕康老爷(吴孟达)的寿宴上,享与安妮重逢,并见到了广州著名的艺妓徐小玄(黄杏秀),享和奕康之子奕真(戴志卫)对其惊为天人,一见钟情,而小玄却对奕真情有独钟。李有山实为南拳高手,享拜李有山为师。一日无意中发现小玄和蔡福(高雄)的师徒关系。李有山偶遇蔡福,两人意气相投,结为生死之交。蔡福告诉小玄其生世,原来蔡福与奕康同是少林弟子,奕康贪图富贵,勾结朝廷火烧少林,少林全寺僧人遭难,只有蔡福侥幸逃脱,小玄之父为朝中大官,仗义执言,为少林辩护,但被奕康污蔑勾结少林,结果皇上下旨徐家男子处死,女子卖到青楼。小玄听后悲愤至极,发誓报仇。蔡福刺杀奕康失败,被李有山所救,李决定带蔡福与...
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