英俊帅气的承皓(吴慷仁 饰)是某电视台的制作人,镖行他事业顺风顺水,镖行生活中又有美丽如花的未婚妻(谢欣颖 饰)相伴,可谓幸福无忧。最近一段时间,承皓正在拍摄一部关于冥婚民俗的纪录片,不知是压力过大还是碰到什么可怕的东西,他在梦中经历了诡异恐怖的梦境,而玄道众人也对其发出了警告。在此之后,诡异的梦境愈演愈烈,甚至让他分不清梦境和现实。万般无奈之下,他只得向高人求助。与此同时,平凡女高中生茵茵(严正岚 饰)突然发现自己身边的灵异事件陡增,她为此惶惶不可终日。一切都指向了沉睡在深山老林中的古宅……
英俊帅气的承皓(吴慷仁 饰)是某电视台的制作人,镖行他事业顺风顺水,镖行生活中又有美丽如花的未婚妻(谢欣颖 饰)相伴,可谓幸福无忧。最近一段时间,承皓正在拍摄一部关于冥婚民俗的纪录片,不知是压力过大还是碰到什么可怕的东西,他在梦中经历了诡异恐怖的梦境,而玄道众人也对其发出了警告。在此之后,诡异的梦境愈演愈烈,甚至让他分不清梦境和现实。万般无奈之下,他只得向高人求助。与此同时,平凡女高中生茵茵(严正岚 饰)突然发现自己身边的灵异事件陡增,她为此惶惶不可终日。一切都指向了沉睡在深山老林中的古宅……
回复 :In recent years a groundbreaking new study has been released into the effects of the contraceptive pill. Research from Denmark claimed women on the pill and other forms of hormonal contraception were 70% more likely to be diagnosed with depression than those who were not. And another study has found hormonal contraception was linked to a seemingly dramatic risk of breast cancer.Negative headlines are nothing new for the contraceptive pill - first introduced in 1961, it has had a chequered history with early versions linked to cancer risk and life-threatening blood clots. Yet hormonal contraception remains Britain's most popular form of birth control, and today over three million women take regular doses of synthetic hormones. So should they be worried about its safety?GP Dr Zoe Williams gets behind the headlines in this Horizon investigation. A specially commissioned, nationwide survey reveals the areas of most concern to British women - from mental health to the risk of cancer and drop in libido. With the help of world leading scientists, Zoe finds out if these concerns are justified and by delving deep into the science around the pills side effects Horizon uncovers some striking revelations - from protecting women against cancer to increasing their risk of suicide.
回复 :校队篮球运动员马特(Brian Lloyd 饰)等人经历了一场暴力的校际篮球比赛,对方粗野的主场把马特与队友乔伊、布莱恩送进了当地医院。乔伊小妹切丽暗恋马特,无奈马特的拉拉队长女友不给机会。另一方面,这所医院收治的一名女性病人被外星生物寄生,寄生生物通过控制宿主陆续感染控制了护士、医生以及病人。女性感染后被充作寄生生物的诱饵,而男性则化为无自我意识的养料。马特等人发现了医院的异样,但为时已晚,感染者在医院中横行,乔伊也因受伤开始转化。走投无路的年轻人们决意对抗外星生物,他们摧毁了地下室中的外星培养缸,切丽更发现了这种嗜甜生物的致命弱点……
回复 :伊桑·霍克扮演一个前军队的牧师,他在儿子不幸去世之后始终沉浸在悲痛中,阿曼达·塞弗里德扮演的女主角是一个教堂成员,曾是个激进环保主义者,遭遇了丈夫自杀,于是两个受伤的人有了人生交集。