春暖In the aggressive and often hostile world of youth grass roots football Adam (17) faces an ultimatum from the team captain (Mike) when they discover Adam's best friend Tom is gay.
春暖In the aggressive and often hostile world of youth grass roots football Adam (17) faces an ultimatum from the team captain (Mike) when they discover Adam's best friend Tom is gay.
回复 :生活在杀手和变态杀人狂中间的美女candy的老公温仔表面身份是公司的老板,实际上则为职业杀手,candy的同事小沈则是制造连环少女命案的变态杀人狂。
回复 :A drug addict awakens to find the girl he is with is dead, and must rush to escape the consequences. A real-time thriller presented in a single, unbroken take.
回复 :日本占领韩国时期,日军为镇压反抗志士,设特务机关,汉城“横山道馆”亦属其行eee。跆拳道首徒金正直年少气盛,不幸被追杀,遂逃入天主教堂避难。猪三郎(洪金宝饰)追踪而至,遂搜查教堂,搜出韩人李俊东,并严刑逼供。情急之下,神父侄女出手相助,击退日本人。原来李俊东是韩国复国首领,为怕日本人再来,众人速离教堂,神父不愿离去,终被擒。李为救神父,请合气道高手黄丽珍(茅瑛饰)帮忙,然黄母却遭人毒手,愤怒之下,黄丽珍亦投身韩国志士行列。其后,日本人以神父为饵,擒得李俊东。黄丽珍逃往中国东北,继续抗日工作。日军获悉后将李俊东押往中国辽阳横山道馆分馆,准备诱捕黄丽珍等人。神父侄女得悉后,与金联手前往救李俊东,危急时刻黄丽珍赶至,与李俊东二人联手击毙日本人,大获全胜。