回复 :When her foster father passes away, Lin Xiao Mei is surprised to learn that he left his magic theatre in her keep. Still deeply sorrowful of her father's passing, she did not expect her heart to broken again; this time by her childhood lover as well as fiance, Jin Xiu, who decided to leave her in pursuit of fame and fortune. Mending her heart came from the most unexpected source - Wu Jun An, a young man from the country who wanted to be a judicial officer... but instead found magic to be his calling. All things appeared to be going well for the two, until Jin Xiu decided to re-enter Xiao Mei's life again and a love triangle forms...
回复 :为迎接中国共产党建党九十周年,纪念卓越的无产阶级革命家、军事家粟裕同志,由中央电视台、中共湖南省宣传部、湖南省广播电视局、中国人民解放军八一电影制片厂、仲弘时代国际文化传播(北京)有限公司联合拍摄,潇湘电影集团、湖南金星影视实业有限公司出品的电视连续剧《粟裕大将》即将投入拍摄。本剧以波澜壮阔的战争长卷形式,通过两大阵营在华东战场的决战过程,具体展示伟大的军事家粟裕同志的战争实践和军事指挥艺术,以及华东我军指战员勇敢忠诚,可歌可泣的英雄事迹。
回复 :一生沉默如大多数人般的外婆(闫妮 饰),突然不告而别、离家消失,游走于城市各地,变得不再沉默,变得特立独行,宛如城市游侠,利刃般刺入无数人的生活,揭开一个个难定黑白善恶的人生,一边改变着自己,一边也改变了许多人——包括外婆的姐姐(闫妮 饰)、女儿(张瑶 饰)、外孙女(邓恩熙 饰)的人生……