回复 :The workers of a self-managed tea factory decide to go against the grain and play by their own rules. The problem is, how can you plan, work and survive in a world driven by ruthless competition? One day at a time, for instance. In a world ruled by profit and dominated by the exploitation of the weaker ones, the film literally offers an alternative set of ways about how to think our future and the means and tools to work for it. It is not an easy job but, as Taste of Hope carefully and precisely shows, there is still a lot that can be done if we change our relationship to production and labor. Instead of making grand gestures or political statements, the filmmaker works with the camera and with a thoughtful editing in order to understand how to weave together new possibilities of communal existence. The result is a superbly crafted observational exercise. A little manual of self-defense and resistance in the face of a neoliberalism that wishes for workers to keep their heads down. A taste of hope indeed.
回复 :该剧根据同名Wondery播客的第三季改编,聚焦意大利胸外科医生和前再生医学研究员保罗·马基亚里尼,他因研究欺诈和操纵行为而闻名。马基亚里尼被认为是使用植入患者自身干细胞作为气管移植物的生物和合成支架的先驱,他被指控不道德地进行实验性手术,导致接受他合成气管移植手术的八名患者中有七名死亡。首季运作人帕特里克·马克曼努斯担任执行制作人,编剧阿什利·米歇尔·霍班接手运作,剧情描述为:马基亚里尼是一个迷人的外科医生,因其创新的手术而闻名,为他赢得了“奇迹人”的绰号。当调查记者贝尼塔·亚历山大为写报道接近他后,个人生活和工作之间的界限开始模糊,永远改变了她的生活。当她了解到保罗将如何保护他的秘密,世界另一端的一群医生做出了令人震惊的发现,这让关于“奇迹人”的一切都受到了质疑。
回复 :马克·欧布莱恩(约翰·浩克斯 John Hawkes 饰)曾在幼年时期患上过小儿麻痹症。疾病的后遗症不仅让他再也没有站起来过,并且还让他饱受呼吸困难的折磨。虽然已过而立之年的他早已成为一名成功的诗人兼记者,但作为一个男人,却从未尝试过性的滋味。在向牧师朋友多次寻求指引 后,他毅然决定通过雇佣专业性从业者来帮助自己完成这个愿望。于是谢尔(海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt 饰)出现在了马克的生活里。然而对于马克这样特殊的情况,谢尔一开始也觉得无所适从。但是渐渐地,两人不仅从医患关系变为朋友,谢尔同时也给予了马克追求幸福和爱的勇气,让马克迈出了追寻爱的第一步。本片根据真人真事改编。片中谢尔的扮演者海伦·亨特获得第85届奥斯卡最佳女配角等多项电影节提名。