回复 :《夜魔侠》是漫威首个在Netflix推出的电视剧,第一季共十三集。夜魔侠原名马修·默多克,虽然双目失明,但拥有超强的听觉和触觉,以及后天学习的格斗技术。他平时是一个律师,夜晚戴上面具后在纽约街头打击犯罪。
回复 :When a young woman's murder shows similarities to a decade-old cold case, (a cruel and gruesome murder of a young student, which remains unsolved) a new Police Commander (Commissioner Michal Trela) must break the silence permeating an Owl Mountain town. Years later another crime is committed similar to the decades old cold case. Commissioner Michal Trela faces a wall of silence from the Owl Mountain community, where everyone seems guilty - Will he be able to solve the crime or will it become another cold case?
回复 :女主姐姐两年前被人枪击受伤残疾,为找出伤害双胞胎姐姐的坏人,她假冒姐姐的身份(女主姐姐是男主哥哥的小老婆,男主哥哥被害,生前为了保护她立下遗嘱要男主和女主姐姐结婚)来到男主家和男主结婚,但是男主之前见过女主,男主婚后千方百计想要揭穿女主,女主能否应对男主呢?两人的婚后生活会如何发展呢?