Punn是一家古董店的老板。一个博物馆馆长Jet常常光顾这家店,无码他一身的神秘气息引起了Punn的兴趣。Punn is the owner of a vintage shop. He's intrigued by his regular customer Jet, a museum owner with an air of secrecy.
Punn是一家古董店的老板。一个博物馆馆长Jet常常光顾这家店,无码他一身的神秘气息引起了Punn的兴趣。Punn is the owner of a vintage shop. He's intrigued by his regular customer Jet, a museum owner with an air of secrecy.
回复 :限量版疗伤治愈陪伴故事一个月在面店被分手一次大的小说家,在面店老板的限定喂养下,逐渐了解真实爱情。复古创意面店老板古劲,开店时间随心所欲,刘历总能抢到最幽静位子,身为耽美小说作家,刘历在面店写作、约会、被分手,原来所谓的约会只是“采风”,他在众约会对象中寻找心中白月光的影子,古劲开始在刘历分手日上一碗限定麻辣牛肉面,抚慰他的心,两人渐渐靠拢,此时,刘历的白月光回来了......
回复 :A German woman goes to the town on the Red Sea where her Arab lover has just died. Beyond a simple story of mourning, the invention of an eerie port town by this young Jordanian filmmaker has Durassian echoes: the death of both a man and a city. The odyssey concludes in a hotel bar, backed by a popular Middle Eastern song.
回复 :五个对面包店充满热情的年轻人,他们在平行轨道上相遇,有着非常不同的梦想和经历,创造了很多故事,他们必须用心学习,改变了五个人的关系,朋友、情人、 亲密的人、密不可分的人,每个人都必须在面包店的香味中找到自己的答案Sin是一个从小内向又孤独的人,因为结识了志同道合的朋友,渐渐从内心封闭到打开心门。