回复 :Ozgur a young boy who lost his parents since childhood was heir to his grandfather's wealth but there is one condition that he has to live a while in a village otherwise it will be donated to a charity.ozgur will go to that village and he ran in to a girl named elif
回复 :An amiable picture about entering adulthood, great dreams, and the first - forbidden - love of a white postman, Jakub, and a pretty Gypsy girl, Jolanka. This is a poetic story, a mosaic of the playful world springing from the wild imagination of the village postman and its clash with the pragmatic mundane reality that finally beats the rosy dream's of the young protagonists. Director Dusan Hanak and screenwriter Dusan Dusek's most popular film has been cherished by critics as well as wide audiences at home arid abroad.
回复 :故事讲述了上古神魔大战后,神王用炼妖炉、天晶剑、神农尺封印魔神破天,将其囚禁于炼狱枯井,将三神器分别传于墨月族、玄武族、和修仙院分别掌管,并交代三族之长神器不可共同出世,千年后,神王陨落,玄武一族不顾祖训,为了更强大的实力发动战争夺取神器,实力相对弱小的墨月族惨遭屠戮,族长不得不派墨月大将姜成前往神秘禁地聚灵神殿求援,修仙学院作为看守炼狱之井的神秘组织,为阻止神器聚合第一次公开示人,墨月族长担心玄武一族卷土重来,派姜成拜入修仙院,在同袍的捉弄中努力修行姜成得到了突飞猛进的成长,随着修仙院的掌门被害,一个天大的阴谋开始浮出水面,生死存亡之际,姜成带领师兄弟一起对抗魔族奸细,最终阻止了魔神降世。