卡桑A group of young adults spend the weekend at a friend's house by the lake. Joined by the local sheriff, the group encounters an escaped convict Native American chief, a copycat killer and the return of the terrifying masked stalker, Damon.
卡桑A group of young adults spend the weekend at a friend's house by the lake. Joined by the local sheriff, the group encounters an escaped convict Native American chief, a copycat killer and the return of the terrifying masked stalker, Damon.
回复 :A cinematic homage to Peter Rice, one of the most distinguished engineers of the late 20th century. Tracing Rice's extraordinary life and career, from his Dundalk childhood to his work on the Sydney Opera House,The Pompidou Centre and the Lloyd's Building, to his untimely death in 1992, Marcus Robinson uses stunning time-lapse photography and revealing interviews to tell the story of a genius who stood in the shadow of architectural icons. Until now.
回复 :由巴兹.库利克导演的该片是史蒂夫·麦奎因的最后遗作,虽然有点 “英雄老矣"的感慨,但他仍将剧中的瑞夫索尔森一角演绎得栩栩如生,入木三分。拍片过程中的高难和危险动作他必亲自上阵,所以给片中的追逐场面增添了几分真实感和刺激感。该片取材于一个真实故事,讲述一名以追捕通缉犯领取奖金为生的捕头瑞夫索尔森,因长期忙于追捕工作而忽略了与女朋友的关系,致使女友出走。而此时,曾被他逮捕归案的梅森已出狱,他矢志报瑞夫索尔森一箭之仇。他在成功挟持瑞夫索尔森的女友后,两人终于再次对峙。
回复 :故事发生在处于战乱连年的遥远苏格兰。3个命运女巫的出现,道出了改变命运的预言。麦克白和班柯,两员英勇无畏的大将在战斗中力挽狂澜。国王邓肯将叛变的考顿爵士的封号和领地转封给麦克白,将王位传给了长子马尔康。麦克白和夫人合谋杀害了邓肯国王。因为惧怕班柯泄露命运女巫的预言,也杀害了班柯。女巫们提醒他要小心已逃亡到英格兰的麦克德夫。麦克白为求心安,最后还是杀害了麦克德夫的妻儿。马尔康和麦克德夫从英格兰请到了援军,直逼麦克白所在的城堡。3个命运女巫的预言原是一种双关语,麦克德夫最终杀死了麦克白,马尔康得到王位,成为苏格兰的国王。