回复 :Forged in Fire is an American reality television competition series that airs on the History channel, and is produced by Outpost Entertainment, a Leftfield Entertainment company. In each episode, four bladesmiths compete in a three-round elimination contest to forge bladed weapons, with the overall winner receiving $10000 and the day's championship title. The series is hosted by Wil Willis, with a three-judge panel consisting of J. Neilson, David Baker, and Doug Marcaida, experts in weapon history and use.
回复 : 2022《端午奇妙游》不日起航!体会浩然正气、至阳至上的端午力量;感受至醇至厚,药草芬芳的文化气息。迎着正午日光,或登山林之间,或竞于龙舟之上,来一场端午节“武侠之旅”。
回复 : 德云社德云一队小园子南京站演出欢乐来袭!本场节目包括高峰、栾云平表演的《渭水河》;高筱贝、李昊洋表演的《结巴论》;郎昊辰、张九林表演的《算人口》;高玉凯、王善勇表演的《韵调诗》;王昊悦表演的《快板书》。精彩敬请期待。