回复 :Nesting Dolls is a psychological thriller about the darker sides of us that can lie just beneath the surface. Tori, Britt, and Erica are sorority sisters who spend a week together at a river house. When near-catastrophe strikes, the three are forced against one another as sisters turn to enemies and their humanity and sanity spirals.
回复 :劳埃尔-伯格曼(艾尔-帕西诺饰)是CBS电视台“60分钟”节目的王牌制作人,和德高望重的节目主持人迈克-华莱士(克里斯托弗-普拉默饰)向来合作无间。乔佛瑞-维根(罗素-克罗饰)刚被大烟草公司解雇,他的人生似乎瞬间坠入谷底。伯格曼收到一份显示烟草公司制造的香烟对人体有害的报告,找到维根来翻译。然而从这个时候开始,维根便感觉到有人在跟踪监视自己,并给家人带来极大的威胁。烟草公司提醒维根与自己签署的保密协议,他将不能公开任何有关香烟制造的研究给公众。维根不想失去医疗保险等等对家人生活的保障,然而又在备受良心拷问。他最终决定向外界宣布这一切,即使违反保密协议。他先和伯格曼录制了一集“60分钟”栏目,然后前往密西西比州出庭作证控告烟草公司。然而,烟草公司比他更快一步申请了言论禁制令,他妻子带着两名女儿离去,“60分”栏目又遭到CBS禁播。这一切巨大的代价让人压不过气。维根和伯格曼成了单打独斗的勇士,他们面对内心的正义、勇敢,并一直坚持。
回复 :Norman Taylor is a successful young professor, married with Tansy Taylor. He is a very skeptical man, while his wife believes in magic and witchcraft. One day, he finds lots of amulets and witchcraft in his house, and he decides to destroy all of them. His wife gets scared and advises him that he destroyed all the protection their home and lives had against the evil of envious and wicked persons, including some of his colleagues. Norman in principle does not have faith in her, but many strange events happen with him, and he changes his mind