回复 :警花是个警察男同志,一辈子寻觅真爱,属于‘易得无价宝,难得有情郎’那一型的。警花在汉士三温暖钓到了老公,找到真爱,不料出现了悲剧性的逆转,男人得癌症死了。汉士三温暖余老板余夫人和蒋姨这群老姊妹想尽一切办法帮警花。另一对同志伴侣是种生和怡谋。种生因病过世后,家人约略知道怡谋和种生的关系,并不说破,整个出殡仪式,怡谋的身份是种生的‘义弟’。怡谋十分感谢他的家人,他因此得以手捧种生的骨灰坛,扶旗招魂。
回复 :A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles; linked by short animated segments that deal with the Advent calendar itself.
回复 :Broken, desperate men chase their dreams and run from their demons in the North Dakota oil fields. A local Pastor risks everything to help them.