广岛When an overly ambitious student gets invited for a submarine journey by an eccentric entrepreneur, she comes to realize that deep-down inside people are not who they pretend to be.
广岛When an overly ambitious student gets invited for a submarine journey by an eccentric entrepreneur, she comes to realize that deep-down inside people are not who they pretend to be.
回复 :“Four respected presenters and a camera crew attempt to discover the truth behind 'The most haunted house in Britain', expecting a light-hearted scare or two and probably the uncovering of a hoax. They think they are in control of the situation. They think they are safe. The viewers settle down and decide to watch 'for a laugh'. ”
回复 :本片為招振強與李泰亨聯合導演。故事描述,二次世界大戰期間,紅歌女阿花(鄺美寶)逃亡時,遭鄉村大戶陶老爺姦殺,更奪去珠寶錢財;自此陶宅即經常鬧鬼,未幾陶老爺亦神秘死亡,其家人則遷往別處,陶宅從此荒廢。事隔多年,陶老爺之後人陶明(顧冠忠)嗜賭如命,更因阿花鬼魂作怪而欠下鉅款,明妻暗中將故有陶宅售予楊教授夫婦(劉永、錢慧儀),楊入住後即遇上怪事連篇,楊不得不相信全無科學根據的鬼神之說……
回复 :15岁的男孩阿兰•艾伯纳西(Gregory Smith 饰)是一个玩具经销商的儿子,他喜欢玩具,但和父亲不同,那种打打杀杀的战争游戏对阿兰更具有吸引力。而他顽固的父亲则坚持出售那些传统、温馨的玩具,即使生意举步维艰也在所不惜。但小作坊式的玩具店总会受到大企业的冲击,阿兰家的店面临被兼并的命运。替父亲看店时,阿兰偷偷从批发商那进了几套格洛伯特雷奇公司最新推出的能够走动说话的战争游戏玩偶——分别是奇普•哈泽德率领的“精英突击队”和以阿切尔为首的“戈格奈茨”人。实际上,这两款玩偶内配军事设备,是军方为试验最新武器稳定性而秘密放置的。不久,这些危险的玩具引发了一场大混乱……