永安7 years ago, an aspiring actress Suyeon came to Seoul after losing touch with her family, and is barely surviving by playing minor roles and chores in a small troupe. Then one day, Suyeon receives a call from Tongyeong and goes down there.
永安7 years ago, an aspiring actress Suyeon came to Seoul after losing touch with her family, and is barely surviving by playing minor roles and chores in a small troupe. Then one day, Suyeon receives a call from Tongyeong and goes down there.
回复 :A former Marine and his old war buddy face off against the Mexican cartel behind the disappearance of his daughter.
回复 :臭名昭著的金融家、明星富豪马库斯锒铛入狱。在他因以前的某些不法交易惨遭一群摩托党毒打后,马库斯自愿提出与监狱最弱的囚犯一起接受单独监禁。在这个牢房里,有一个狱友合唱团,由囚犯尼尔斯自任合唱团指挥。新来的马库斯决定加入合唱团,而且没过多久,他就想成为众人的领导,并对尼尔斯指挥的职位打起了主意。这不是一场肉搏,而是智慧、权力和丹麦传统歌曲的斗争!
回复 :Lawrence(梁朝伟 饰)是一位颇有建树的脑科医生,Paul(钟镇涛 饰)是其同事兼好友。不幸的是,脑科医生Paul的女友Jackie(李嘉欣 饰)却在一次意外中脑部受伤,成了植物人。Paul日复一日的守在昏迷的女友身边,盼望她能够突然转醒。终于有一天,Jackie 苏醒了,但是令她醒来的却是Lawrence。苏醒后的Jackie性格大异于前,不仅拒绝疏远Paul,还想找寻一个新的环境重新开始。Lawrence同意Jackie与他合住直至Jackie找到新工作。两人在同一屋檐下,日久生情,一段新的恋情就此展开。但不幸却再次降临,Jackie脑部竟出现肿瘤,随时有可能因此丧命。Jackie能再次从病魔手中逃走吗?面对不幸,Lawrence和Jackie爱情会发生什么变化?