日本A man becomes obsessed with facts and events that have been collectively misremembered by thousands of people. Believing the phenomena to be the symptom of something larger, his obsession eventually leads him to question reality itself.
日本A man becomes obsessed with facts and events that have been collectively misremembered by thousands of people. Believing the phenomena to be the symptom of something larger, his obsession eventually leads him to question reality itself.
回复 :南太平洋瓦努阿图的坦纳岛上,年轻女孩瓦瓦(玛丽·瓦瓦 Marie Wawa 饰)爱上了部落首领的孙子戴恩(蒙哥奥·戴恩 Mungau Dain 饰)。可部落战争爆发时,她发现自己变成了休战的联姻“贡品”。违背家族意愿还是追随自己的内心,她必须做出选择。影片荣获2015 年威尼斯影展国际影评人周单元最佳摄影奖,代表澳大利亚征战2016年奥斯卡最佳外语片,并入围前5强。
回复 :SuperGrid is set in a near future where mining conglomerates have turned Canada into a wasteland. Two brothers must travel the same road that claimed their sister's life in their quest to deliver mysterious cargo. En route they must contend with road pirates, rebel gangs, and each other.
回复 :弁護士の妻として幸せに暮らしていた真由美。友人の結婚式の帰りの夜道でレイプ被害に遭い、全てを失ってしまう。日雇いのガードマンの仕事をしながらひっそり暮らす真由美は、ある日公園で家出少年?啓輔と出会う。心に傷を抱えた者同士、不器用だけれど寄り添い合っていく2人。しかし真由美のもとに夫がたずねてきて???