日韩四名体重超过 400 磅的壮汉争夺阿诺大力士经典赛的冠军头衔。本片一窥他们从准备到实际参赛的人生经历。
日韩四名体重超过 400 磅的壮汉争夺阿诺大力士经典赛的冠军头衔。本片一窥他们从准备到实际参赛的人生经历。
回复 :耀婷(杨子姗 饰)是在深圳出生长大的甘肃人,除了办理身份证外她再没去过甘肃。如今在深圳打工二十多年的父母决定返回甘肃农村老家生活,耀婷看到父母在村子里生活并不如意,她想通过自己的努力把父母重新接回深圳生活。小混混新民(尹昉 饰)的出现,彻底改变了她的生活......
回复 :六岁的孩子因为在学校了解到心脏停搏会引发死亡而彻夜难眠,母亲于是就是否应向孩子坦白真相和教师讨论。这部私人化的作品以模糊的童年记忆为基础,在现实与虚构的交替下,对死亡的新意识开始摧毁纯真。作品用鲜艳的宽屏画幅表现母子两人的情绪世界,精细的构图让人联想到意大利文艺复兴时期 的油画。 影片获得2017年柏林电影节最佳短片金熊奖。
回复 :Largely unchanged for more than a century, the projection of photochemical film faces an uncertain future in the digital age. The practice of handing and projecting film is in danger of being lost; and the role of film projectionist is nearing extinction. THE DYING OF THE LIGHT explores at the history and craft of motion picture presentation through the lives and stories of the last generation of career projectionists. By turns humorous and melancholic, their candid reflections on life in the booth reveal a world that has largely gone unnoticed and is now at an end. The result is a loving tribute to the art and romance of the movies-and to the unseen people who brought the light to our screens.