淞沪会战后上海沦陷,流星T雷地下工作者林翔(郭富城 饰)受命来到危机四伏的上海,流星T雷重建惨遭敌人破坏的地下抗日战线。在这里他遇到单纯却很有正义感的兰芳(赵丽颖 饰),这对临时组成的“地下党夫妇”将在战火纷飞中,携手与日本侵略者及伪政府特务展开惊险刺激的生死较量……
淞沪会战后上海沦陷,流星T雷地下工作者林翔(郭富城 饰)受命来到危机四伏的上海,流星T雷重建惨遭敌人破坏的地下抗日战线。在这里他遇到单纯却很有正义感的兰芳(赵丽颖 饰),这对临时组成的“地下党夫妇”将在战火纷飞中,携手与日本侵略者及伪政府特务展开惊险刺激的生死较量……
回复 :一位大学教授获得一个新发现的史前鱼类标本,在检查这个发现的时候,他不小心接触到了它的血液,把自己变成了一个半人半猿的原始人。
回复 :An alarmingly disproportionate number of Black women are failed every year by the U.S. maternal health system. Shamony Gibson and Amber Rose Isaac were vibrant, excited mothers-to-be whose deaths due to childbirth complications were preventable. Now, their partners and families are determined to sound a rallying cry around this chilling yet largely ignored crisis.Directors Paula Eiselt and Tonya Lewis Lee follow Gibson’s and Isaac’s bereaved partners, Omari Maynard and Bruce McIntyre, as they fight for justice and build communities of support, bonding especially with other surviving Black fathers. Their tragic, individual experiences are punctuated with condemning historical context, showing that gynecology has a long-standing history of exploiting and neglecting Black women in America. In the arresting words of mother-to-be Felicia Ellis, “A Black woman having a baby is like a Black man at a traffic stop with the police.” She emphasizes that paying attention is paramount. Aftershock brings an unsettling reality to the forefront while uplifting the families, activists, and birth workers who are striving to bring institutional change and legislative reform. These mothers will not be forgotten.
回复 :咪咪(克里蒂·萨农饰)是个身材健美、面容娇好的舞者,最大的梦想就是去孟买当明星,无奈囊中羞涩,无法成行。这时一对美国夫妇来到印度求人代孕,在一个善良但贪婪的出租车司机巴努(潘卡·特里帕蒂饰)的百般撺掇下,米米成了一个代孕妈妈。待到胎儿一天天长大,医生突如其来的诊断改变了所有人的一生,美国夫妇背约而去,面对着现实和伦理困境的咪咪和巴努将何去何从呢?