  时间:2025-01-18 19:28:27

春暖Two differences between this Austrian version and the generally available American version are immediately obvious: they differ both in their length and in the language of the intertitles. The American version is only 1,883 metres long - at 18 frames per second a difference of some 7 minutes to the Austrian version with 2,045 metres. Whereas we originally presumed only a negligible difference, resulting from the varying length of the intertitles, a direct comparison has nevertheless shown that the Austrian version differs from the American version both in the montage and in the duration of individual scenes. Yet how could it happen that the later regional distribution of a canonical US silent film was longer than the "original version"?The prevalent American version of Blind Husbands does not correspond to the version shown at the premiere of 1919. This little-known fact was already published by Richard Koszarski in 1983. The film was re-released by Universal Pictures in 1924, in a version that was 1,365 feet (416 metres) shorter. At 18 frames per second, this amounts to a time difference of 20 minutes! "Titles were altered, snippets of action removed and at least one major scene taken out entirely, where von Steuben and Margaret visit a small local chapel." (Koszarski)From the present state of research we can assume that all the known American copies of the film derive from this shortened re-release version, a copy of which Universal donated to the Museum of Modern Art in 1941. According to Koszarski the original negative of the film was destroyed sometime between 1956 and 1961 and has therefore been irretrievably lost. This information casts an interesting light on the Austrian version, which can be dated to the period between the summer of 1921 and the winter of 1922. Furthermore, the copy is some 200 metres longer than the US version of 1924. If one follows the details given by Richard Koszarski and Arthur Lennig, this means that, as far as both its date and its length are concerned, the Austrian version lies almost exactly in the middle between the (lost) version shown at the premiere and the re-released one.A large part of the additional length of the film can be traced to cuts that were made to the 1924 version in almost every shot. Koszarski describes how the beginning and the end of scenes were trimmed, in order to "speed up" the film. However, more exciting was the discovery that the Austrian version contains shots that are missing in the American one - shots/countershots, intertitles - and furthermore shows differences in its montage (i.e. the placing of the individual shots within a sequence). All this indicates that Die Rache der Berge constitutes the oldest and most completely preserved material of the film.




回复 :新浪潮老祖母阿涅斯•瓦尔达处女作,短岬村也正是瓦尔达成长的地方。影片主要有两部分构成:年轻男子路易(Philippe Noiret 菲利普•努瓦雷 饰)回到家乡短岬村,一个位于法国赛特区的渔港小村。与之生活了四年的妻子艾拉(Silvia Monfort 西尔维娅•蒙福特 饰)随后也来到了这里。路易对短岬怀有强烈的感情,艾拉却对这里感到陌生。不论两人如何努力,隔膜感还是使他们原本平淡的关系进一步陷入危机。夫妻俩在短岬的日子里,探讨着对爱情和生活的感悟……另一方面,政府派来调查员调查短岬污水的情况,村民们团结起来驱逐外来者。短岬的生活波澜不惊……



回复 :大吉爷爷(立川志之辅 饰)的老伴在不久之前离开了他,留下老头子和一只名叫小玉的猫过着相依为命的生活。虽然大吉爷爷感到非常的寂寞,但可爱又活泼的小玉给他的心灵带来了短暂的抚慰,一人一猫的日子过得也算是惬意。一天,镇里来了一个名叫美智子(柴咲幸 饰)的女人,这个身份背景一概无人知晓的神秘女人在镇上开了一家非常时尚的咖啡店,很快就宾客盈门。大吉爷爷想吃老伴做的豌豆饭,于是翻出了老伴没有写完的食谱有样学样,美智子鼓励大吉爷爷继承老伴的遗志,完成这本食谱,于是,大吉爷爷的人生开始有了新的方向和希望。



回复 :穷小子威尔顿(乔纳森•莱斯•迈勒斯)为改变自己的命运,从爱尔兰来到伦敦当起网球教练,立誓要凭一身网球绝技混入对该运动情有独钟的上流社会。结识富家公子哥汤姆后,他得到机会,对方的妹妹克罗伊(艾米莉•莫蒂梅尔)对他一见钟情,其后,在对方的父亲的相助下,威尔顿顺利混入上流社会。正当要与克罗伊谈婚论嫁时,威尔顿邂逅汤姆的女友、来自美国的女演员诺拉(斯嘉丽•约翰逊),后者同样在为进入上流社会做着不懈的努力。相似经历令两人萌生真情,但威尔顿并没为诺拉放弃自己的计划。一切梦想都成真后,威尔顿重遇已与汤姆分手的诺拉,两人旧情复燃,威尔顿开始在她与妻子之间周旋。不久,诺拉怀孕坚拒堕胎,威尔顿迎来人生的赛点。

