回复 :Two young London con artists, one British, one American, live as lonely bachelors in their secret hideout apartment thinking of new ways to financially fleece their victims. When they hire Georgie, their new secretary, they don't take into account the effect she will have on their hearts. A great British pop soundtrack and the resplendent Kate Beckinsale do wonders for this breezy entry.
回复 :美国职业棒球天使队连吃败仗,不但球员逊毙了,连火爆教头诺克斯〔丹尼葛洛佛〕也忍不住拿球员练拳出气!就在此时,两个小球迷却宣称可以看到天施展魔力帮球队赢球。而球员们也果真脱胎换骨,向总冠军迈进。不料,一个野心勃勃的播报员却从中作梗···
回复 :提姆(杰夫丹尼尔 饰演)是个很有企图心的电视新闻记者,可是他却得不到老板的赏识,某次回家的路上,竟遇上火星人的太空船撞上地球!转化地球人外观的火星人马汀,为了修复太空船,只好找上提姆,提姆与马汀相处越久,越发觉它其实是个善良的外星人,但因为马汀的行为怪异,不知不觉被太空研究中心小组成员盯上了……