小小想要Follows prodigy vulcanologist Antoinette Vitrini and her sister Emily as they attempt to blow the whistle on an illegal oil drilling scheme before it sets off the eruption of a super-volcano directly beneath Miami.
小小想要Follows prodigy vulcanologist Antoinette Vitrini and her sister Emily as they attempt to blow the whistle on an illegal oil drilling scheme before it sets off the eruption of a super-volcano directly beneath Miami.
回复 :2176年,和平的年代下人口激增,地球早已不堪重负。此时人类文明高度发达,与地球环境最为接近的火星成为人类外太空移民的首选之地。此时,这个红色的星球还只是一个正在开发的处女地,大大小小矿场遍布火星之上。特警小队指挥官梅兰妮(娜塔莎·亨斯屈奇 Natasha Henstridge 饰)奉命前往火星上名为光明峡谷的矿场小镇,去押解重罪犯威廉姆斯(艾斯·古巴 Ice Cuba 饰)。然而就在不久前,在当地进行考古工作的惠特洛克教授(乔纳·卡西迪 Joanna Cassidy 饰)无意中触动了远古文明的遗址,并唤醒了一个沉睡已久的火星幽灵。它誓要杀掉所有入侵的人类,在生死关头,梅兰妮和威廉姆斯被迫联手,于这个邪恶的幽灵展开斗争……
回复 :Former leaders of the "pray the gay away" movement contend with the aftermath unleashed by their actions, while a survivor seeks healing and acceptance from more than a decade of trauma.
回复 :缉毒总督察李振邦(张家辉 饰)和卧底警员江铭(陈伟霆 饰)秘密执行追捕毒贩计划,无奈遭遇险境,江铭被迫游走黑白边缘,逐渐失控。为坚守底线,昔日队友互生杀意。猜忌、愤怒、疯狂、失望……全员丧失理智,濒临崩溃边缘!