精品Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.
精品Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.
回复 :安古斯(卢夫斯·塞维尔 Rufus Sewell 饰)和贝利(雷诺·维尔森 Reno Wilson 饰)在旅行途中结识了一名老水手,三人交谈甚欢相见恨晚。老水手将两人带到自己居住的城堡之中,在那里,隐藏着他引以为傲的秘密。原来,老水手曾经见过真正的美人鱼(卡拉·古奇诺 Carla Gugino 饰),不仅如此,他还费尽心机的捕获了她,将她囚禁在城堡之中。安古斯和贝利在美人鱼身上看到了无尽的商机,他们知道,这稀世珍宝能够给他们带来无限的财富和光明的未来,于是,两人联手将美人鱼偷走了。随着时间的推移,美人鱼的确给两人带来了财富,却也将他们推向了死亡的阴影之中。
回复 :Quinn, A Painter & Bartender wakes up one morning with a gun in his hand & his girlfriend dead on the floor... He has 2 different choices he can make, each with their own set of consequences... Either call 911 and clean this mess up or don't call anybody and clean it up himself... Only problem is in his state of mind he can't tell which one is right & which is wrong!
回复 :町立川曾为美军基地所在地,当地人一方面西化严重,一方面深受创伤。少女真子(梶芽衣子 饰)与一群小姐妹整日游荡街头,无所事事;而以“男爵”(藤龙也 饰)为首的“老鹰”青年组则驾驶着美军军用吉普横冲直撞,招摇过市。某天,少女组中的女孩玛丽抛弃“老鹰”中的男友,转而爱上一个日美混血儿。拥有着不堪过去的男爵下令驱逐镇上所有的混血儿,一场肃清运动席卷而来。来自横滨的混血青年数马(安冈力也 饰)到町立川寻找妹妹小惠,他的歌声感染了内心孤独的真子,而其身份又令男爵恨之入骨。原本相安无事的两组人马剑拔弩张……