亚洲区Two sisters vie for the affections of a man who may or may not be a vampire.
亚洲区Two sisters vie for the affections of a man who may or may not be a vampire.
回复 :《魅影》被誉为茂瑙转捩时期的重要作品,曾一度被列作使人引为憾事的散佚经典。背景是民风淳朴的小市镇,主角偶见乘马车飞驰而过的艳女,惊为天人,神魂颠倒,自此他沉溺在幻想之中,不能自拔,沦落到底。茂瑙在营造气氛方面有不凡的成绩,小镇风貌活灵活现,穷苦一俗的狭隘与贵族的谄媚成强烈对比;在片场运用了巨型的机械设计,造就地面上会追吁主角走的「魔鬼式」黑影,几场天马行空的梦幻场面,使人拍案叫绝。
回复 :
回复 :Entente Cordiale intends to illustrate colonisation as a human phenomenon in an explicit manner as well as in a metaphoric sense without suggesting simplified accusations or political propositions. It will not be a historical film since colonisation as well as slave trade are still happening today - in a modified way, a more industrial, massive and more global fashion than a hundred years ago.