回复 :In the late 16th century Europe was in the grip of a ferocious witch hunt, where thousands were tortured and burnt at the stake. The church was fully behind this terrifying crusade against the imaginary enemies of Christianity. In France and Germany alone up to 40,000 people may have been killed as witches. But England and Scotland were almost untouched by witch persecutions until King James himself decided to launch his own, personal war on witchcraft.In 1597 King James VI of Scotland published 'Daemonology', a handbook on how to recognise and destroy, witches. The book explored the threat that 'those Detestable slaves of the Devil', posed to James himself. It fuelled waves of witch hunting throughout Britain.The legacy of James' 'Daemonology' continued throughout the 17th century, and led to the torture and execution of hundreds of women in a series of infamous witch trials. No-one knows exactly how many men and women died in these trials, such as the Pendle trial of 1612, or how many others were killed in cases that never came to court. The documentary reveals the purges in many areas of Britain drew directly on King James' book. Also for the first time, remarkable new archaeological evidence from Cornwall, suggests that witchcraft was actively practiced for centuries, even during the most intense periods of witch-hunting. Experimental archaeologist Jacqui Wood has excavated strange pits lined with swan's feathers, and filled with animal skins and human remains. She believes the pits were ritual offerings inspired by witchcraft beliefs.
回复 :东小口,亚洲最大社区天通苑所在地,常住人口近百万。每年,这里都会产生大量的诉讼,而负责这些案件审理的,是东小口法庭仅有的六位法官:张传京、陆靖、黄莹、卢志成、程杰、杨帆。为了应对如山的案子,他们开设了夜间法庭、上门法庭等新的审理形式。影片记录了中国基层法官的真实生活。
回复 :曾折断无数同龄球儿之心的、日本第一的初中生投捕组合·清峰叶流火和要圭,面对来自全国74所名门高校的热情挖角,竟然悉数拒绝、从此销声匿迹……并且出现在一所普通到不能再普通、且没有棒球部的都立高校?背后的原因,竟然是因事故失忆的要圭?在不应相遇之处、相遇的天才们——!