深渊After a criminal motorcycle rider is put to death, he comes back from the dead to seek murderous revenge against the residents of a Florida town.
深渊After a criminal motorcycle rider is put to death, he comes back from the dead to seek murderous revenge against the residents of a Florida town.
回复 :阿叶病情加重,作为医生的老公为她进行积极的治疗,阿叶只能半夜溜出去找肉吃。因挖掘机操作失手,阿叶误伤自己,村民们才发现杀人真凶是村长夫人。惩戒了村长夫人后,村庄又恢复了往日的宁静。
回复 :最近,美丽少女伊瑞娜(娜塔莎·金斯基 Nastassja Kinski 饰)发现了隐藏在自己家族中的秘密,这一发现源于她和哥哥保罗(马尔科姆·麦克道威尔 Malcolm McDowell 饰)之间的不伦之恋,当他们肌肤相亲时,伊瑞娜居然变身成为了一只残暴嗜血的豹子。随着这个秘密的揭开,伊瑞娜被关进了动物园,动物学家奥利弗(约翰·赫德 John Heard 饰)成为了她的负责人。随着时间的推移,奥利弗渐渐发现了伊瑞娜的不平凡之处,并被其深深的吸引了,这让奥利弗的同事爱丽丝(安妮特·奥图 Annette O'Toole 饰)十分不满。同样感到不满的还有保罗,他告诉伊瑞娜,如果想要恢复人形,唯一的方法就是杀掉奥利弗。面临艰难的选择,伊瑞娜不知该何去何从。
回复 :A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the military supply company where she works. Chased by ex-soldiers she hides with her brother, a member of a shadowy hacker group, and has to choose between her luxury life - and the Redistributors.