两句Follows a troubled couple and their daughter who go on vacation to an isolated house in the Louisiana bayou to reconnect as a family. But when unexpected visitors arrive, the unity starts to unravel.
两句Follows a troubled couple and their daughter who go on vacation to an isolated house in the Louisiana bayou to reconnect as a family. But when unexpected visitors arrive, the unity starts to unravel.
回复 :Like Father. Like Son. Like No Other. "Sr." is a lovingly irreverent portrait of the life and career of maverick filmmaker Robert Downey Sr. that quickly devolves into a meditation on art, mortality, and healing generational dysfunction.
回复 :《室内设计》弘子(藤谷文子 饰)和怀揣导演梦想的男友阿明(加濑亮 饰)来到大都会东京,手头拮据的他们只得暂住在弘子好友清水朱美(伊藤步 饰)的公寓中。为了生计,两人四处寻找工作和住处,却一路坎坷。阿明的作品终于在一家小影院上映,望着男友喜悦的样子,弘子愈发感到自己的一无是处,就像一把被人丢弃的椅子一样……《梅德》身形扭曲、举止怪异的狂人梅德(Denis Lavant 饰)从下水道钻出,暴走街头,骚扰路人。几天后,他拿着偶然找到的二战时期的手雷出现,并将其一一掷向人群。军方将其抓获,开庭审判。而与此同时,要求处死梅德和要求释放梅德的呼声此消彼长。这个怪异之人俨然成为了狂热时代的偶像……《震动东京》某男(香川照之 饰)是一个十年未走出家门的御宅族,他讨厌阳光,害怕与人接触,成堆的书籍构成了他全部的世界。某天,他偶然瞥见送货女孩(苍井优 饰)的面容,突如其来的地震更将封闭的二人拉近。某男发现,他无法继续呆在家中……©豆瓣
回复 :When insecure teen Simi arrives at her aunt Claudia’s country house at Easter she’s hoping for help with her weight issues. What could be better than the bosom-of-family support from famous aunt Claudia, a best-selling author of books about nutrition and healthy diets. But something strange is sizzling on the emotional hotplate here. Cousin Filipp is being nasty, Claudia’s uptight, and her new hubby Stefan has wandering eyes and weird thoughts. This knockout feature debut by Hengl and his producer-wife Lola Basara turns the screws slowly and with great visual and tonal assurance until Simi and us can take no more... but take more we must before this twisting tale serves a final course you won’t soon forget.