回复 :1979年,尹小恩(金荷娜 饰)是新罗大学英语系三年级的学生,她一直暗恋着自己的前辈东熙(朴永宇 饰),她对美好生活十分憧憬,但东熙喜欢的是另一个学生。一次偶然,小恩发现了一台老式的报话机。一天晚上报话机突然传来另一个男生的呼叫。惊讶不已的小恩开始与对方通起话来。交流之下,小恩才发现原来男生也同样就读于新罗大学,叫池仁(刘志太 饰)。两人随后相约第二天在钟塔下见面,小恩苦苦等待,但对方并没有出现。这边厢池仁在大雨中也等不到小恩的前来。晚上通过报话机交谈的时候,都互相埋怨对方。到了第二天的晚上,他们才明白,原来他们来自不同的时空。小恩生活在1979年,池仁则是在2000年,跨越时空的交谈令彼此惊叹不已。那一晚,他们把自己的感情事都向对方倾诉了,不知不觉中,两人的感情加深了。池仁告诉小恩,原来自己的父母也是新罗大学的学生,而且那就是东熙与东熙的恋人善美……
回复 :這部古代恐怖片為周旭江導演,徐天榮編劇,由70年代著名青春女星邢慧、小生楊帆主演,並有一代歌后顧媚客串。故事描述,青年商人聶雲鵬(楊帆)與馮愛嬌(邢慧),及僕人大火子與婢女魏銀兒雙雙成親,眾人皆欣羨其主僕艷福;卻原來馮實是封阿奴冤魂附體,二十年前家中遇盜,父母被殺後,強盜更將其姦殺,而此殺人劫寶之巨盜,即為聶之二叔仁厚及其友人王長壽、金如山等,封此來,乃一報前仇……
回复 :A miracle independent film capturing the growth of a single baby over a period of 3 years.The film revolves around three struggling actors Michio, Gunji, and Enoken, who share a house together. One day, they find a baby girl left with a letter from Michio's ex-girlfriend. They name the child "Don-chan" and embark on the journey of raising her, despite their initial confusion. Directed by OKITA Shuichi, known for films such as "A Story of Yonosuke” and “The Fish Tale”, the movie is a self-produced project featuring OKITA and his actor friends, documenting the life of his own daughter from 6 months to 3 and a half years old. Shot entirely with a handheld camera, the film captures the heartwarming moments of Don-chan's growth and the challenges faced by the three men in nurturing her. The film was also shot on location in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, where Ueda Eigeki, a local theater, recommends the movie. Don-chan's growth is complimented along with the picturesque scenery of Bessho Onsen and Sugadaira Kogen. The heartwarming world of OKITA Shuichi, where drama and reality coexist in a mysterious harmony, unfolds throughout the film. From a crying infant, Don-chan grows to a point where she can speak her lines, and everyone's affectionate watch over her brings warmth and comfort to the viewers.