回复 :Jonas, a 40 something Parisian, is still desperately in love with his ex-girlfriend Léa. When he knocks on her door to confess his feelings and she turns him down, he ends up at the café downstairs.Inspiration strikes and he sits down to write her a long love letter, dodging everything he was supposed to do that day. What begins as a last attempt to get her back surprisingly turns into a vivid musing on the state of his life.Over the course of a day, helped by a wisecracking bartender and an array of patrons from the neighborhood, Jonas has to face his past relationships, his uncertain future and, most of all, himself.
回复 :由于化学物质的影响,此架飞机上一些科学家携带的蝎子疯狂生长,成为威胁每个人的怪物。因此,由机长带领着展开了与怪物搏斗的漫长旅途,这架飞机的最终命运会怎样呢?
回复 :大陆青年左颂星(周星驰)到港投靠三叔(吴孟达),嗜赌的三叔发现他有特异功能后,以为找到发家致富的康庄大道,开始带他出入各大赌场,并要他以赌神为偶像,将赌技再发扬光大成为新一代赌圣。风头正劲的左颂星引起台湾赌王陈松与香港赌王洪光(秦沛)的注意,双方均欲夺左颂星为其手下代表其出席世界赌王大赛。陈松成功将左颂星罗至门下后,洪光派来美女绮梦(张敏)将左颂星迷得晕头转向,又在大赛决赛时刻令绮梦消失,以期左颂星无心应战将赌王宝座拱手相让。