春暖Don Cesar, son of Zorro, is framed for murder while visiting Spain, and becomes the whip-wielding outlaw Don Q.
春暖Don Cesar, son of Zorro, is framed for murder while visiting Spain, and becomes the whip-wielding outlaw Don Q.
回复 :81-year-old master, Jean-Marie Straub, once again invents and surprises with his latest film. Kommunisten consists of six parts, five of which have been taken from his earlier works. Straub does not aim to be self-reverential, but instead wants to make different blocks (of text, time, and languages) clash so as to highlight invisible elements of feelings and politics. It is a film about human adventure, from the past century to the one ahead. In this project, all the things that the films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet have been based on for the past fifty years, find their most raw and recent form.
回复 :亚历克斯(伊万•麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)、大卫(克里斯托弗•埃克莱斯顿 Christopher Eccleston 饰)和朱丽叶(凯瑞•福克斯 Kerry Fox 饰)三个好友合住在一户公寓内,三人征集新房客时问出各种怪异问题,玩的不亦乐乎,最后在朱丽叶主张下,吸纳了写作的单身男子雨果,岂料雨果入住不久就身亡在屋内,惊慌的三人发现了雨果装有巨额现金的箱子,金钱诱惑难以抵御,他们悄悄将雨果分尸掩埋。巨款在手的亚历克斯和朱丽叶春风得意,但会计员大卫却终日忧心忡忡,终于大卫在二人挥霍钱财后暴发,将钱箱搬到阁楼收藏看管。与此同时,两名匪徒为了寻找钱箱,一路大开杀戒,并闯入了三人的公寓,大卫突然发力将匪徒杀死,此时的大卫,已经愈发神经质,将事情引向了更加危险的方向……
回复 :继《心灵小屋》后 再次见证美好的生命奇迹!全美史上最热销福音歌曲背后不平凡的故事,感动疗愈千万人。比《攻其不备》更激励人心,在平凡中找寻不凡的成就,闯出自己的一片天。永远相信自己,只要勇敢实现梦想,你就是改变世界的那个《关键少数》!当你受挫时,音乐就是你的心灵解药,让美妙的音乐抚平伤痛,让信仰在黑暗时带来光亮,让梦想在每个人的心中种下希望。爱,就要及时说出口。巴特(杰麦可芬利饰)在严父亚瑟(丹尼斯奎德饰)的高压教育下成长,无论他如何讨好父亲,亚瑟的心就像一道高墙,挡在他们父子之间,不让巴特轻易接近。他伤心难过,也曾逃避,但音乐与信仰改变了他;音乐让他有勇气面对一切,而信仰让他了解父亲到过世前都说不出口的爱。终于成功站上舞台的他要将这份喜悦透过音乐分享给人们,而他相信父亲一定在那个被称为「天堂」的地方,微笑着听着他的歌声。