电影围绕在大城市拼搏的李一甜(黄璐 饰)的故事展开,黄色展现新一代年轻人的生活现状,黄色聚焦当代社会努力生活的普通人,他们从理想到无奈又到新生的痛苦和奋斗的过程。
电影围绕在大城市拼搏的李一甜(黄璐 饰)的故事展开,黄色展现新一代年轻人的生活现状,黄色聚焦当代社会努力生活的普通人,他们从理想到无奈又到新生的痛苦和奋斗的过程。
回复 :正直而胆大的书生陶生(郝劫 饰)从好友处听说了闹鬼凶宅的传说,他无所畏惧,主动提出借好友这座鬼宅读书的请求。因为闹鬼,原本宽敞的庭院变得荒芜不堪,萧索凄冷。陶生秉持着一股正气入住进来,在这个僻静所在倒也能够专心攻读。谁知到了夜晚,便有两个美若天仙的女子悄然而至。几次三番后,陶生与名叫秋蓉(张瑾 饰)和小谢(王苓华 饰)的两个女鬼熟稔。秋蓉和小谢敬重陶生的正直,丝毫没有加害之意,反而用心帮其打理衣食起居的一切。而在这一过程中,陶生也知晓了两个女鬼凄惨悲凉的身世。义愤填膺的陶生决定为她们讨回公道,谁知自己却不由得卷入奸人罗织的冤狱之中……
回复 :In the majestic tropical island of Palawan, three environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and political corruption in this thrilling documentary about land defenders battling to save and preserve paradise in the Philippines.The island of Palawan in the Philippines contains one of the oldest, largest and most diverse rainforests in the world. It is also one of the most dangerous places to be a land defender. Inside this majestic tropical island, environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and battle to save their home for the next generation. Bobby Chan, a local environmental lawyer, leads a bold group of renegade land protectors who guard the rainforest by peacefully confiscating and dismantling the chainsaws of illegal loggers. The battle also rages on behind closed doors. Mayor Nieves Rosento of El Nido is fighting for her political life as her entire family is slandered by her opposition with support from the land developers and infamous dictator President Rodrigo Duterte. Delikado is a timely environmental thriller on how corrupt corporate and political interests are swallowing small Indigenous communities across the globe by diminishing their resources and limiting their power, one tree at a time.
回复 :1948年春,我国解放军在全国范围内展开了战略反攻。国民党反动派统治下的重庆,已是一派“山雨欲来丰满楼”的景象。我地下党江姐到这省委的重要指示, 冲破敌人的重重封锁, 奔赴川北革命根据地。 在途中,他突然听到丈夫——华莹山中队政委彭松涛同志牺牲的消息, 抑制内心的悲痛,毅然直上华莹山, 见到了游击队司令员双枪老太婆,率领游击队展开了轰轰烈烈的武装斗争。国民党反动派四处通缉江姐。江姐在群众的掩护下, 和同志们一道又一次拦住敌人的军车,缴获大批武器弹药,打击了反动派的嚣张气焰。由于叛徒甫志高的出卖,江姐不幸被捕。在重庆中美合作渣滓洞集中营里,面对敌人沈养斋的威逼利诱,面对敌人的各种酷刑,江姐大义凛然,义正词严地痛斥敌人的罪行,表现出共产党员坚贞不屈的革命气节与崇高精神。重庆解放前夕,敌人在逃跑前,策划屠杀被捕的共产党员和革命者的阴谋。根据上级党组织的指...