回复 :The main story is set in a British Military Intelligence Office in Whitehall during 1956, where a small group of foreign affairs analysts find their quiet existence disrupted by the Suez Crisis. Ewan McGregor plays Mick Hopper, who is doing his national service as an interpreter of Russian documents. Bored with his job, Hopper spends his days creating fantasy daydreams that involve his work colleagues breaking into contemporary hit songs. Louise Germaine plays Sylvia Berry, the blonde wife of the violent Corporal Pete Berry (Douglas Henshall). Sylvia is an object of desire for Mick's fellow clerk Private Francis Francis and a middle-aged pipe-organist named Harold Atterbow (Roy Hudd). Unlike the street-wise Hopper, Francis is a clumsy Welsh intellectual whose academic career has been interrupted by his army call up. The appearance of the bookish niece of a seconded American officer enables the two conscripts to pair off with suitable partners, after initial mismatching. Some of the side themes include the influence of American rock and roll on English society, the gulf between the senior analysts, who are regular army officers, and the conscripted other ranks, the work of Russian playwright Chekhov, and the appreciation of opulent theatre pipe organs. The unusual context — a military culture transplanted into a civil service style office environment — reflects Potter's own national service during the 1950s. While this piece has the form of a romantic comedy, unlike the less conventional works of Dennis Potter's middle period, it is not without graphic sex and violence, as well as Potter's characteristic flashes of dreamlike imagery. The centrepiece of this production is the surreal musical sequence set to the song In a Persian Market.
回复 :战神闻夜在成婚前夕战死沙场,举国哀悼。原本要出嫁的新娘乃是沈相家的嫡女,沈夫人不舍女儿嫁去守寡,却又怕悔婚招致⺠众指责。便找回了沈相流落在外的私生女沈可矣,逼迫她替自己女儿出嫁。战报误传,闻夜班师回朝,嫁入王府的沈可矣成为了真正的王妃,可她和王爷也成为了一对欢喜冤家,两人在过程中真正擦出了爱的火花。当经历种种困难后,他们也终究明白了爱与守护的真谛。两人最终携手,不求富贵繁华梦,只愿偷得只属于他们二人的半日闲。
回复 :90后小夫妻孙果果和田诚诚刚生下小孩,一个帅气且身份诡秘的男月嫂夏昭就来到家中。自打夏昭进门开始,这个原本幸福的小家庭开始展露出他们的种种矛盾——婆媳之间的隔阂,婚姻之间的纠葛,各种家庭矛盾变着花样上演。夏昭和孙果果之间好像还时不时透露出一点暧昧气息,他们看似和平的家里波涛汹涌,而孙果果和田诚诚的婚姻也随着这些暗暗的小矛盾慢慢开始分解,这一切的发生似乎都和这个叫做夏昭的月嫂有着某种说不清的联系。这个夏昭身上一直带着一个写着“孙果果”姓名的巫毒娃娃,他常常在深夜打开一本蓝色的笔记本记录着什么,好像在计划着什么似的,孙果果和田诚诚的爱情面临各种家庭矛盾的严峻考验,而这是不是都是夏昭的计划?这个帅气的月嫂究竟有什么目的?孙果果和田诚诚他们的爱情在混乱的家庭关系中又将何去何从?