忠犬n Hinduism, Lord Ram is also addressed as Adi Purusha. Prabhas will be seen playing the role of Lord Rama and Saif Ali Khan will play the role of Lankesh, the demon King Ravan, in the film.
忠犬n Hinduism, Lord Ram is also addressed as Adi Purusha. Prabhas will be seen playing the role of Lord Rama and Saif Ali Khan will play the role of Lankesh, the demon King Ravan, in the film.
回复 :為了探尋生命的奧秘,學者安東尼招募了十二位「門徒」到避世莊園一起進行實驗討倫哲學、和操演,然而過程愈發離奇及不可收拾,終極解答是否存在?而迎接他們的是否真為來生?抑或是地獄走一遭?《十三門徒》有著雲翔導演一貫特立獨行的風格 —— 不受拘束、裸露、男色、性張力、甚至群交等元素。透過打破禁忌與道德觀的行為,思考其中的人性。
回复 :Kōji Shiraishi, who became famous for extraordinary horror films like "Noroi", shot this modern pinku eiga as a revenant of sorts of the classic Japanese soft sex flick, which saw its heyday in the 1970s and ’80s.Underground idol Misa is headhunted by a BDSM club for her supposed—or rather, anticipated—talents as a dominatrix. Seeing the prospect as a challenge at first, the young woman soon uses the S&M sessions to expand her erotic and sexual self-perception by several dimensions at once."Safe Word" is part of Roman Porno Now, a project by legendary Japanese studio Nikkatsu celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of its “Nikkatsu Roman Porno” brand.源自:https://poff.ee/en/film/safe-word/
回复 :所谓:南方道,北方仙,胡黄不过山海关。中国东北一直流传着很邪乎的“出马仙”。传说中,有“狐、黄、白、柳、灰”五大仙家。五仙有恩必赏,有仇必报,东北话说就是“护犊子”。所以五仙又被称为“保家仙”。出马仙是和仙家结缘的人,世代供奉,能与仙家沟通,用仙家的力量治病救人积德行善。仙家和出马仙一般会缔结契约,同生共死。五大保家仙中,又以狐家的胡三太奶为大,法力最强,最重情重义。民国年间,东北深山里的马家屯就传闻一直受胡三太奶庇佑。但有村民为钱财上山盗了胡家世代守护的祖坟,掏了狐狸窝,触怒了狐仙一族。之后村里开始发生各种邪乎事,村里的男人陆续惨死,女人被凌辱虐待。村里请了出马仙来做法,万物有灵,到底是狐仙可怕,还是人心更可怕……