回复 :In 1905, French seminarian Bruno Reidel is found guilty of murdering a child. At the request of the doctors observing him, he writes his memoirs to explain his action.
回复 :故事以岩手县的松尾村为背景,讲述东京统一剧团的统筹河野秀子(倍赏千惠子)到访当地,希望游说青年会合作制作一出名为「故乡」的音乐剧。身为会长的齐藤高志(寺尾聪)虽然大力支持,但由于经费、场地等问题,公演受到极大阻力。高志和秀子最后排除万难,终于得偿所愿,为千多名观众送上最真挚动人的一夜。为拍摄此片,山田及其制作班底花了一年多时间,实地考察统一剧团的地方公演。
回复 :A disabled Vietnam vet suspected of murder on Maui in 1971 must rediscover the Hawaiian warrior within to protect his family, defend their land, and clear his father's name.