日韩La Soga 2 is a suspenseful thriller and love story, where a former hitman fights to rescue the love of his life, while confronting his inner demons and violent past.
日韩La Soga 2 is a suspenseful thriller and love story, where a former hitman fights to rescue the love of his life, while confronting his inner demons and violent past.
回复 :1934年,英格兰南部,28岁的花店老板米兰达和其他五个人一样,莫名其妙地被邀请到亿万富翁刘易斯·芬德利的豪宅共度周末。。。
回复 :鄧光榮與俞琤二人欠下高利貸, 被債主手下追捕, 二人因身手敏捷被債主賞識僱用為助手; 但第一天工作便得罪老闆被解僱. 為了解決債務問題, 鄧和俞二人合作做老千, 最初只是騙取數百元的小數目, 後愈做愈大, 二人在沙頭角開設假投注站, 靠騙取村民投注賺錢, 但投注站一方面受到經營外圍馬的村民搗亂, 另一方面因賽事爆冷, 投注站要派彩大額獎金......
回复 :芝加哥探员尼古,不幸被人诬告吃官司,为了查出真相,他决定逃走,在警方围捕和敌人追杀的恶劣环境下,独力查找真相,回复自己的自由和清白。