黄色A bureaucrat is imprisoned in a haunted house for interrogation. However, things take an unexpected turn when she gets possessed by a spirit.
黄色A bureaucrat is imprisoned in a haunted house for interrogation. However, things take an unexpected turn when she gets possessed by a spirit.
回复 :到东京发展模特儿事业的明日香,在友人葵的介绍下到香纯的家居住。香纯过去也当过模特儿,但随着她身边的人一一死去,香纯是「恶魔」之说不迳而走。与此同时,在她们住所对面的酒店发生恐怖杀人事件。受害者不但活生生被支解,尸体更被看成艺术品般加上装饰,并有凶手留下黑色的唇印。然而,这一切只是明日香和香纯恶梦的开始……
回复 :以《推拿》获得金马奖最佳改编剧本奖的编剧马英力,在纪录片《梦的背后》中执起导演筒,近身跟拍导演丈夫娄烨入围本届金马奖最佳导演的《风中有朵雨做的云》制作过程,从前期筹备、拍摄现场、后期制作。知名编剧张家鲁、摄影包轩鸣、演员秦昊、 井柏然、宋佳等主创人员也现身说法。除了见证一部电影的诞生,更侧面察看中国电影制作的现状,真实呈现摄影机外的疯狂世界。
回复 :A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaining members of the original cast.