回复 :Fifty Ships--Foyle's determined investigation of a body on a deserted beach puts at risk the donation of American Aid and the crucial start of Lend-Lease in the war.Among the Few--Pilots and their girlfriends live fast and die young in a story of greed and passion where Foyle finds appearances are deceptive.War Games--Divided loyalties lead to revenge and murder when a businessman puts profits before principles in a secret pact with the Nazis.The Funk Hole--Foyle finds himself accused of a serious offense, which complicates his hunt for a ruthless murderer at a sinister hotel.
回复 :对工作和爱情持有不同价值观的女子高中同窗三人,在30多岁重逢,描写了各自不同的悲观和友情的电视剧.
回复 :该剧讲述了因一首“符女帝后”童谣被推上风口浪尖的符氏姐妹符玉盏(孟子义 饰)、符金盏(李艺彤 饰),与皇子薛荣(李治廷 饰)、游侠江绍(汪卓成 饰)在浮世中历练成长,以志同道合为聚、以国泰民安为首,坚定理想亦坚守感情,最终双双携手实现蜕变的故事。皇子薛荣戎马倥偬、指挥若定,姐姐符金盏聪慧过人,虽不会武功,但常常能用智谋化险为夷。妹妹符金盏尤胜男子,好动俏皮,但冒冒失失的性格偶尔也会给勇敢的她添一点小麻烦,江绍侠肝义胆,一剑一马浪迹江湖,誓与兄弟共进退。四人间的爱情由一场错嫁开始,但因缘际会间却让他们更能看清彼此的心意,执手为盟,许下白首之约,错爱姻缘一步步变为坚守真爱。