春暖CAN witnesses a murder in a small town.The police don't allow him to leave after his testimony.On the other hand,a quarantine is declared due to rabid dogs.The whole town turns into purgatory with no exit is almost at the edge of insanity.
春暖CAN witnesses a murder in a small town.The police don't allow him to leave after his testimony.On the other hand,a quarantine is declared due to rabid dogs.The whole town turns into purgatory with no exit is almost at the edge of insanity.
回复 :一个即将死去的18岁孤儿少女想要去欧洲寻找她的亲生母亲,当她遇到一个因为一场致命事故而深感内疚的善良年轻人时,她说服他一起踏上旅程。
回复 :邱吉尔的政途于三十年代中期起下滑,已经退休的他虽然依旧参加国会的讨论,但不得志的他还是整日闷闷不乐,生命陷入低潮。。更雪上加霜的是,在股灾中,邱吉尔成了最大的受害者之一,财政状况十分糟糕。虽然他夜以继日地为各大报刊撰稿,也仍然填补不了财政赤字。但忙于政务的邱吉尔对帐务上的危机视而不见,这可愁坏了邱吉尔夫人,她努力地应付平时的各项开支,但她已渐渐觉得精神和体力都承受不了这么大的压力。此时国际形势严峻,德国纳粹不断扩张自己的势力,希特勒的狼子野心更是日益显现。邱吉尔准确预测德国的野心侵略,为大英帝国在国际上的地位担心不已。但国会却依然持着绥靖政策,任由德国纳粹势力发展,不愿出兵干涉。更可气的是,财政大臣居然鼓动国会同意卖给德国制作飞机的发动机,丝毫没有意识到德国带来的威胁。当然,对德国问题忧心忡忡的不只是邱吉尔一个人,还有任情报机关重要领导的瑞尔夫,他也察觉到德国的狼子野心终究有一天会危害到英国。但是报国无门,瑞尔夫陷入了深深的苦闷中。一次偶然的机会,在扎摩登的帮助下,邱吉尔和瑞尔夫成为了同一个战壕的兄弟,一起为保护大英帝国努力着。瑞尔夫冒险偷出的关于德国情况的详细资料为邱吉尔在国会上的演讲提供了巨大的支持,听到一组组数据,一些人开始觉醒,意识到英国即将面临灾难。但一些反对者仍然一意孤行,坚持英国应该向德国妥协,并派人威胁瑞尔夫。最终瑞尔夫顶不住来自政府的压力自杀身亡,邱吉尔对他的死表示了莫大的悲痛。为了英国,也是为了完成瑞尔夫的遗愿,邱吉尔更加努力地工作,在各大会议和电台发表演说,引起了不小的轰动。功夫不赴有心人,在邱吉尔的多方奔走下,国内支持他的群众日益增多,国会同意对德国宣战。邱吉尔终于东山再起,成为了战时的英国首相,他领到了五年的第二次世界大战,并且终于于1945年5月赢得了胜利,攀上生命新高峰。精彩视点:本片以英国首相邱吉尔二次大战崛起前后的事迹改编。影片打破传统的叙事结构,让整个故事充满惊喜,而导演细腻地处理主角之间关系的转折,更使本片有别于一般的温情类型电影,而增添许多张力。另外,本片还极好地展现了双方面进行意志较量的精彩场面,并把推理手法与心理表现完美结合起来,采用文献资料加以艺术改造。可以说,这是一部不可多得的政治人物影片。
回复 :A young boy overcomes his obsessive fears by discovering a love for books in this animated fantasy adventure. In a live action wraparound, Macaulay Culkin stars as Richard Tyler, an easily bullied, nervous wreck of a kid who's an expert on safety statistics. His mother and father (Mel Harris and Ed Begley, Jr.) don't know how to inspire their son to embrace life boldly. Barely able to leave the house, Richard ventures out one day, but he gets lost in a storm and ends up at a mysterious library. Inside, he slips, knocks himself unconscious and finds himself in a cartoon realm where books come to life. Guided by Adventure (Patrick Stewart), Fantasy (Whoopi Goldberg) and Horror (Frank Welker), Tyler experiences the adventures of classic novels such as Moby ~censored~ and Treasure Island, and he even meets some famed fictional characters, such as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Leonard Nimoy). Through his experiences in the pages of the legendary books, Richard confronts his phobias and learns to face life more courageously. The Pagemaster was directed by Joe Johnston, a former special effects supervisor and production designer who later directed Jumanji (1995) and October Sky (1999).