回复 :在美国加利福尼亚州的南部,素有“高音王子”之称的里奇在哥哥和妈妈的帮助下,加入了希路埃特乐队,并以其娴熟的弹奏和高亢的歌喉一举成名。天有不测风云,一步步走向成功的里奇在飞往北科他州演出的途中,不幸空难身亡。那年,里奇才17岁,可由他创作并演唱的三首摇滚乐《唐娜》、《拉巴马》和《快点、一起来》,却早已风靡全美……
回复 :本片在平行推进中描写了四段悲伤的恋情:拳击陪练河锡(车太贤 饰)厌倦了做人肉沙袋的饭碗。一次偶然的机会,他找到一份新的职业——分手代理。这份工作让他见识了太多的悲欢离合,并坚定了对女友淑贤(孙泰英 饰)的爱,但是偏偏事与愿违;身为职业女性的珠蓉(廉晶雅 饰)因为工作压力大,忽略了对儿子辉灿的呵护。当她因胃病住院后,母子在交流中都感受到了亲情的温暖;手语主播秀珍(林秀晶 饰)和消防员镇宇(郑宇成 饰)是一对恋人。不过,她并不喜欢他的危险工作。当两人终于决定结婚时,却遭遇了灭顶之灾……哑女秀恩(申敏儿 饰)与画家尚宇(李基宇 饰)在公园活动中不期而遇,他们因为一幅画结缘。由于她带着娃娃的面具,因此他看不到她的脸。但两人却在猜测中堕入了无声的爱河……
回复 :Four characters with dreams passions and desires but with the fear of becoming adults in today's Mexico City. MARTIN is a young man in love with a girl he barely knows, named Cris, who has shut him out of her social networks. He wants to scream his love out to the world even if the world is trying to quiet him down. DANIEL is a musician turned into a taxi driver after he impregnated his teenage girlfriend. The day he decides to become a responsible grown up will be one of the unluckiest days of his life. DULCE is an aggressive bully in high school, but deep inside she sees herself as a nice girl who deserves to be loved and she's ready to loose her virginity with the first guy who is willing to take it. PEDRO is a boy with a disappointed view of the world of the adults, who has decided to stop speaking as a normal person and starts his own language. All of them have this irritant obstacle in common: The adults.