:A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 7Episode # Air Date# Guests7-01 15/Sep/00 Roisin Murphy, Danny McNamara, John Entwistle, Johnny Vegas7-02 22/Sep/00 Daphne & Celeste, Par Wiksten, Graham Gouldman, Stuart Maconie7-03 29/Sep/00 Gary Stringer, Mark Morris, June Sarpong, Bradley Walsh7-04 06/Oct/00 Melanie B, Jo Brand, Sally James, Josh Doyle7-05 13/Oct/00 Kirsty MacColl, Bob Mortimer, Joe Washbourn, Jamelia7-06 20/Oct/00 Josie D'Arby, Pete Shelley, Richie Neville, Mark Steel7-07 27/Oct/00 Melanie C, Paul Young, Sean Lock, Dermot O'Leary7-08 10/Nov/00 Alvin Stardust, Trevor Nelson, Lloyd Cole, Liz McClarnon7-09 03/Nov/00 Kate Thornton, David Soul, Dane Bowers, Dave Gorman7-10 28/Dec/00 Christmas Special
:《马尔柯姆的一家》是美国福克斯广播公司的一部情景喜剧,由林伍德·布默原创,曾七次获得艾美奖、一次获得格莱美奖、7次获得金球奖提名。剧集在2000年1月9日开始播映,至2006年5月14日第7季播映完毕历时6年半。剧集的主人公是马金(Malcolm,弗朗基·穆尼斯饰),他在四兄弟中排行第三(第五季志明出生后共有五兄弟),父母分别是夏尔(Hal,布赖恩·克兰斯顿饰)和露丝(Lois,简·卡奇马雷克饰)。家中长子范斯(Francis,克里斯托弗·马斯特森饰)离家在军校就学,列斯(Reese,贾斯廷·贝菲尔德饰)、马金和杜尔(Dewey,埃里克·佩尔·沙利文饰)留在家中,马金在家里的三兄弟中排行中间,剧集也因以得名(Malcolm in the Middle直译为马尔科姆在中间)。剧集前期集中描述作为天才青少年的马金如何面对古怪的生活,后期则逐渐更深入地探讨剧中其他人物。