狼人A devout priest welcomes a struggling couple into his house at Christmas time. What begins as a simple act of kindness quickly becomes the ultimate test of faith once the sanctity of his home is jeopardized.
狼人A devout priest welcomes a struggling couple into his house at Christmas time. What begins as a simple act of kindness quickly becomes the ultimate test of faith once the sanctity of his home is jeopardized.
回复 :一家疗养院里,年逾古稀的犹太人古特曼先生(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)呻吟着从睡梦中醒来。他的记忆正在消退,连妻子不久前去世的事也险些忘记。不过妻子的离开似乎也帮他卸去最后一点儿牵挂,他在朋友的帮助下,从养老院偷偷跑出。古特曼的身上携带着朋友写的信,上面记载着他沿途需要注意的事项以及此行最大的目的。几经辗转,他终于找到了名叫鲁迪·克兰德的老人。对方年轻时曾是参与过二战的德国士兵,家族的血海深仇驱使着古特曼先生不远万里追踪仇人。奥斯维辛集中营的恐怖记忆,让每个切身经历者都背上了毕生无法摆脱的罪……
回复 :这是高见翔警官生命中最艰难的一天:母亲去世,工作遇阻,还在奔丧时意外撞死了一个人。他本以为可以瞒天过海,没想到一个惊天阴谋在前方等待,令他身陷迷局......
回复 :Follows Nina, a talented pianist who has lupus. She forges an unexpected yet strong connection with Gabriel, one of the doctors on the team who takes care of her and gives her to confidence to play with a huge orchestra in São Paulo.