回复 :导 演赵世磊编 剧伙伦主 演杨珑、李晓磊、杨程程片 种故事片类 型剧情出品单位电影频道节目中心长 度90分钟出品年代2010剧情简介男主角宋歌,因为没有勇气面对自己多年前在赛场上的一次失误,而开始逃避现实,后来因为一个女孩子对他的心灵救赎,让他最后重新站到赛场上,勇敢地再次冲出起跑线。
回复 :Somewhere on isolated mountainous plain. Johann has taken over his father’s farm, devoting all his time and energy to his work. Surrounded by a struggling community and a natural landscape that has taught him all he knows, his heritage is his entire life. As autumn goes and winter comes, a barn burns to the ground and jeopardizes the fragile balance of the farm's survival. The story of a man trying to love the world he belongs to one last time, as hard as he can, before it sinks into darkness.
回复 :Nobody Walks in LA is the story of two old friends who, faced with decisions that cannot wait, put their lives on pause for a day and do the unthinkable.... walk around Los Angeles. Putting...