春暖Centaur lives a modest life with his family in rural Kyrgyzstan until he abruptly becomes the center of attention when he is caught stealing a racehorse at night. A story inspired by the myth when horses became the wings of men.
春暖Centaur lives a modest life with his family in rural Kyrgyzstan until he abruptly becomes the center of attention when he is caught stealing a racehorse at night. A story inspired by the myth when horses became the wings of men.
回复 :她绣的龙袍巧夺天工,却引来祸事不断!她外表看似天真无邪,却背负血海深仇!两个女人,亦敌亦友,亦正亦邪!究竟她们是真心相待,还是各怀鬼胎?
回复 :范大明白(崔志佳 饰)在东北从事着白事行业,与众不同的是,范大明白愿意接纳刑满释放的人,为他们提供工作机会。这一天,一名叫做牛硬朗(宋晓峰 饰)的男人来到店里,抛出了豪华大单——三百万的葬礼,范大明白及团队惊讶不已……在办葬礼的过程中,范大明白和牛硬朗才发现,原来二人之间的渊源不止如此……
回复 :封建旧势力下,一个出身卑微的弱女子苏小小,虽然有着美丽的容貌和高雅的品性以及对爱情和幸福执着的追求,但始终摆脱不了以孟浪为首的富家子弟的欺压。当她将全部的感情托付于鲍仁而对他寄予希望时,她得到的却是忘恩负义。苏小小心灰意冷,最终绝望抱病含恨去世,被埋葬在钱塘江畔。