今年的萨拉·西登斯奖得主是年轻的伊芙·哈灵顿(安妮·巴克斯特 饰)。然而在去年十月,男人伊芙还只是一个连续数周默默注视名角玛戈·钱宁(贝蒂·戴维斯 饰)的戏迷。被玛戈的朋友凯伦·理查兹(塞莱斯特·霍姆 饰)带到玛戈面前后,男人伊芙讲述的经历打动了众人。玛戈收留了无依无靠的伊芙,伊芙也尽心尽力地打理玛戈的生活和工作,但是玛戈的侍伴伯迪·库南(塞尔玛·里特 饰)不喜欢研究玛戈的伊芙。热爱表演的伊芙当然不满足于做玛戈的助理,那么伊芙是怎样获得表演机会的?
今年的萨拉·西登斯奖得主是年轻的伊芙·哈灵顿(安妮·巴克斯特 饰)。然而在去年十月,男人伊芙还只是一个连续数周默默注视名角玛戈·钱宁(贝蒂·戴维斯 饰)的戏迷。被玛戈的朋友凯伦·理查兹(塞莱斯特·霍姆 饰)带到玛戈面前后,男人伊芙讲述的经历打动了众人。玛戈收留了无依无靠的伊芙,伊芙也尽心尽力地打理玛戈的生活和工作,但是玛戈的侍伴伯迪·库南(塞尔玛·里特 饰)不喜欢研究玛戈的伊芙。热爱表演的伊芙当然不满足于做玛戈的助理,那么伊芙是怎样获得表演机会的?
回复 :Recovering from a very public divorce, independent filmmaker and Italian Prince Tao Ruspoli takes to the road to talk to his relatives, advice columnists, psychologists, historians, anthropologists, artists, philosophers, sex workers, sex therapists, and ordinary couples about love, sex & monogamy in our culture. What he discovers about his very unconventional family, and about the history and psychology of love and marriage leads him to question the ideal of monogamy, and the traditional family values that go with it.
回复 :On 6 May 1945, soldiers of the 88th US Infantry Division occupied the Himmlers’ family home in Gmund on Lake Tegernsee where they discovered hundreds of private letters, documents, journals and photographs. The film makes use of these materials and copious archive footage to sketch the biography of SS commander Heinrich Himmler who committed suicide at the end of May 1945 by taking a cyanide capsule. How did this nationalistic lower-middle-class man become Hitler’s henchman responsible for developing and executing the strategies that led to the murder of millions of Jews, homosexuals, Communists and Romany people? Where did his ideology originate? How did he see himself and how was he perceived in private by his wife Margarete, his daughter Gudrun and his mistress Hedwig? How could the man who often referred to so-called German virtues such as order, decency and goodness also write home in the midst of the war and Holocaust: ‘I am well in spite of my heavy workload’? What was it that caused his daughter to say after a visit to Dachau concentration camp: ‘It was lovely …’ A film about the pretensions of a mass murderer and the repression of any sense of guilt.Berlinale 2014
回复 :影片讲述财务部女监察探员(格蕾斯饰)负责押运一批6亿美元残旧货币到碎钞厂处理,然而当地罕见的飓风灾难即将来临,一群全副武装的盗贼想在居民全部疏散后“乘风打劫”,而当飓风达到致命的5级之后,所有精心计划都被打乱,他们发现需要一个金库密码,而这个密码只有女监察探员知道,她和所被劫持人质的生命面临威胁,在和滞留当地气象学家(凯贝尔饰)结盟后,后者的弟弟也被盗贼绑架,两人不得不联袂面对飓风和匪徒,在历经惊险刺激后最终战胜了盗贼和飓风灾难。