精品After frontman Gord Downie is diagnosed with brain cancer, Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip goes on a cross-country tour that ends with a nationally televised concert.
精品After frontman Gord Downie is diagnosed with brain cancer, Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip goes on a cross-country tour that ends with a nationally televised concert.
回复 :The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in a world meant for all.
回复 :故事围绕一位足球教练展开;他为实现已故朋友的梦想而奋斗,并为他最好的朋友的去世而复仇
回复 :優異生由香 (藥師丸博子 飾) 擁有特殊的超能力,不僅能任意移動物件,更可以預知未來!一天,神秘的轉校生高見突然出現,奇怪地全校的學生都被她吸引著!她當上學生會長之後,便組織校內巡邏隊,控制師生的活動。由香決意和她決鬥,但原來高見背後,受到魔王子的操縱,由香的超能力可以挽救校園嗎?