回复 :格雷斯(萨玛拉·维文 Samara Weaving 饰)自幼失去双亲,成长在寄养家庭之中,这样的她再也没有想到自己竟然邂逅了豪门之子亚里克斯(马克·奥布莱恩 Mark O'Brien 饰),两人的恋爱顺利,通往婚姻的道路一路亮起绿灯。终于,格雷斯满心期待的那一天到来了,然而,在新婚之夜,亚里克斯却告诉了格雷斯一个非常古怪的消息。原来,在亚里克斯的家族中流传着这样一个传统,每一位嫁进来的新娘都必须在结婚当晚完成一个游戏,而游戏的具体内容则由抽牌来决定。虽然对这样的规矩万分不理解,但格雷斯还是决定忍一时风平浪静。万万没想到,格雷斯抽到了最糟糕的那张牌——捉迷藏,格雷斯必须在天亮之前找到一个可以躲藏的地方,不能够被任何的人发现,否则就只有死路一条。
回复 :古镇民间传说画画有三大禁忌,所谓“三不画”:午夜不画、眼睛不画、鬼不画。午夜作画,可能引起阴气,招来鬼魂;画眼睛,可能将人摄魂;画鬼,这个鬼就会缠着你。画家陆风初来乍到,不相信这个传说,和妻子欧阳雪搬到镇里一栋古宅里,他每天都在画室创作到深夜,紧接着妻子就无故失踪,画室里也开始出现异象……
回复 :Tom Riley thought he was getting the deal of a lifetime when he bought a house below market value at a Sheriff's sale. He invested every penny he had with the plan of flipping the home for a profit. Once he owned it, however, he noticed strange happenings, all of which were captured on 21 Surveillance Cameras located throughout the home inside and out. At first he thought people were breaking in, but he soon realized he was dealing with something Paranormal.