回复 :The eighth series has been confirmed to air starting on Friday 6 January 2012 on BBC1 at 9pm. However creator Tony Jordan has said that this will be the last for at least a while and the last with the current cast. Guest stars featuring this season will include Sheila Hancock, Martin Kemp and Paterson Joseph.Peter Polycarpou and John Barrowman have also revealed on Twitter that they will have guest roles in series eight. This will be the third series to be filmed in Birmingham, the fifth in HD and the fourth series featuring all of the current cast. Adrian Lester is also set to direct an episode, in which Mickey is kidnapped.Other cons will see the team take on the world of slimming pills and pull off a gold heist. Jaime Murray reprised her role for the final episode.
回复 :Harry Bosch终于得知母亲遇害案背后的真相,可怕的事实让他出离愤怒。在百孔千疮的司法系统中,他要如何寻求正义?如何保持自己的正直和诚实?本季Bosch将调查一名无家可归的退伍老兵的谋杀案、一个连环谋杀案嫌疑人的自杀案和一个好莱坞导演的高调谋杀审判。在此过程中,Bosch将面对各种各样冷血无情的对手,他们只有一个共同目标——彻底毁掉他。Jeffrey Pierce将扮演性格脆弱的Trevor Dobbs,虽然他已经离开了军队,但军队却没有离开他。他曾在一支组织严密的特种部队中担任中尉军官,远赴伊拉克的安瓦尔省执行任务。Christopher Backus扮演前特种部队士兵Woody Woodrell,如今在一家私人保安公司工作。Linda Park扮演小学老师Jun Park,她还是「市长危机应对小组」的一名成员。该小组是洛杉矶独有的一个组织,一批志愿者接受专门训练后将协助洛杉矶警署处理自杀和谋杀现场的紧急情况。他们的主要工作包括安抚死者家属的情绪,代表警方与这些家属进行沟通,在家属、警方、法医和其他相关机构之间进行协调。Arnold Vosloo扮演前警察Rafael “Rudy” Tafero,如今是Andre Holland的保安主管。他和Bosch形同水火,甚至会在一起案件中制造假证据来陷害Bosch。
回复 :Follows a group of police officers on the front line wondering what they did to end up where they are on the ugly side of Manchester. Keeping these streets clean is a Herculean task, enough to demoralize even the keenest rookie. But there's a reason these cops are in this force. As the never ending rabble off the local estates pours in, Inspector Vivienne Deering, the station's sharp, funny and hard-as-they-come boss, and her team led by DC Dinah Kowalski and DC Joy Freers, show they have what it takes to crack crime and to expose the addled, the swanky, the pimps, the petty and the really proper nasty bastards for the sewer rats they are.